Monday, January 24, 2011

Missy Cooks...and other adventures...

I really like to bake...well cook in general. However, I do not like to clean up afterwards. I must not be that good of a cook because if I was surely someone would offer to clean up the mess if I would cook for

Yesterday I made some yummy stuff.

First I made a pan of apple brownies. YUMMY!!! The kids loved them.

Then, I made dounut muffins. I have a new goal of making muffins and such that we can grab in the morning. I made some Strawberry Oat Cinnamon muffins last week. The kids liked them alot. However, I did not think the donut muffins tasted like donuts...but, they are good.

I have also made a Amish Bread Starter so by this weekend I will be baking amish bread (I am way to excited about this.) Hey if you guys are good I might post the

A blog that I love and have followed since 2007 is Pioneer Woman. I will start by saying that I just searched for her blog and won 11 exciting...and a good way to start the of the very first recipes I tried of hers was this.

I made it for New Years 2007/2008. I spent that year in the mountains with my family (including my brother who was killed in June of 2008). They are very good and surprisingly they are not that spicy.

Anways...along with my Amish Bread...I am excited to try this cake...

Guess what I will be making this cake for? Get ready to laugh. My daughter is planning a birthday party for her favorite baby doll. Baby Stella... So, this is the cake we will be making this coming weekend for Baby Stella. Also, Josie is currently trying to figure out what she wants to give Baby Stella for her birthday. Yeah...never a dull moment.

Oh...and I know you are dying to know what Parker is up too...well he loves to give kisses. If you pucker will he...sometimes you get a nice lil peck and sometimes you get a big ole slobbery kiss. SO CUTE!!!

Then there is Hunter....what is Hunter up to....Hunter is in LOVE...don't you guys remember your first LOVE...that really sums up Hunter's life right now...

Toodles...ttyl guys

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