This book was very cute. It is about how the class puts on a play for President's Day. It is a series and I hope to get more of them.
Well here are the other Holidays I am currently planning for.
March 2-Dr. Suess's Birthday
March 8-Mardi Gras (anybody got a good recipe for a King Cake)
March 17-St. Patrick's Day (ordered a new book yesterday)
March 20-First Day of Spring (also, my oldest son's birthday)
April 1-April Fool's Day (I like goof my kids)
April 22-Earth Day
April 24-Easter
Yeah...I am nuts...but hey...we all have our own weirdness. Right?
Speaking of is a cute giveaway that would be perfect...
it is this book
I think I need it...don't you...
It can be bought here.
What fun! I think I may have to try celebrating more holidays.